Quick references to our Current Weather
Current 7-Day Forecast for Elna Otter's House in Cascabel!
NOAA Current Weather news for our area
This is the main source of all the materials dealt with on this site, outside our own commentaries that focus around Cascabel.
Immediate (updated hourly) statistics for our area
This link provides a map on which you click at various sites to get very current statistics of temperature, wind speed/direction, current and annual accumulated rainfall, etc. The map shows just one site along River -- this is the "+" shown directly north of Benson, which marks a station at the Benson Narrows. Other sites cover all around our area, including the Muleshoe Preserve. Scroll down from the top of the map, which centers on Phoenix, to the Tucson & Benson area. Then click on a particular station -- for example, the station just south of the Galiuros is the Muleshoe Preserve; putting your cursor on this gives you an overview summary of current and recent events. Then, if you double-lick on this same site, you get a screen with much more detailed statistics, including rainfall summaries at the Muleshoe for the past several days. The same is true for several other sites that bracket our area.
SE Arizona Forecast Discussion
A detailed report on the current thinking among weather scientists about what kind of weather is likely to happen during the coming week.
Current Saguaro Juniper commentary
Our own occasional reports concerning our particular areas along the San Pedro River as significant weather events occur.
San Pedro River current flow near Redington, Benson, Charleston, or Palominas
When you enter this link, click on the Arizona Map at the relevant circles indicated along the San Pedro River. The Redington flow meter marker is at the boundary between the NE corner of Pima County and the NW corner of Cochise County. You can also see meters at Aravaipa, Benson, and sites all the way south to Palominas.
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